Monday, November 1, 2010

From MASS MoCA Museum to...

Welcome on board! I am very happy to be your hostess at this exciting adventurous 7-day online flight and I hope you enjoy it too.

Before we take off I would like to tell you just a few things about our point of departure, Harriet Baskas' travel blog "Stuck at the Airport." Harriet Baskas is a writer and an award-winning radio producer. In the past she has written several books, profiled airports for, and created airport guides for She currently writes a weekly Well-Mannered Traveler column on, a monthly column about airports for, as well as air travel columns for and other outlets.

Harriet Baskas decided to start writing about airports and airport amenities after having her own bad experience of being stuck for several hours at a small airport at Seattle. Having run out of things to do, she finally discovered an almost hidden sign and door, which led to an amazing Observation Deck. After that trip she felt the need to visit airports in search of observation decks, interesting restaurants and other airport amenities that anybody stuck at an airport would love to know. A lot of the information she gathered were published in 2001 in her book "Stuck at the Airport."

Now, her blog "Stuck at the Airport" keeps informing people about airport profiles, news and airports amenities, so that they never again get bored at the airport. The blog also includes information about hotel amenities, close dining options, and even attractions and museums, for those who decide to leave the airport terminal.
All these might seem useless or even exaggerating for someone who isn't a frequent flyer, but I think these tips can be life-saving for someone who has to spend a big amount of time in airport terminals. Imagine how much Tom Hanks would have appreciated having read such a blog before getting stuck to The Terminal...

This Monday Harriet keeps her "Museum Monday" promise and writes about one more of the 700 aviation and space museums that exist in the country. Her goal: to visit all of them!

Today's museum was MASS MoCA, the MA Museum of Contemporary Art in North Adams, and the exhibit Harriet talked about was a three-part project by Michael Oatman called All Utopias Fell.
The basic part of the exhibit is an Airstream trailer that looks as if it has just landed on the museum's roof. Parachutes and solar panels give a sense of a crash-landing.
The Airstream itself is called The Shining, and visitors can
actually go inside and explore the craft, which combines elements of domestic space,a laboratory, and a library. Once inside, visitors have the opportunity to take part in interactive activities related to solar panels. Who could imagine there would be such an exhibition only a few miles away from the airport terminal you are stuck in?

As it is almost time to start our landing, I would like to leave you with a song, which I think could be a great music background for our flight.

I hope you enjoyed the flight, and I will be more than happy to welcome you back at our next online flight tomorrow.

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