Sunday, November 7, 2010

From Boston Logan International Airport to...

Welcome on board! Today we will be flying from Boston Logan International Airport, and even though you don't probably know where we will be landing, don't stress out, you can figure that out during our flight.

This Sunday, as usual, Harriet wrote her Souvenir Sunday blog post, a post dedicated to fun and inexpensive souvenirs that somebody can find at airports.
The souvenirs this time come from Travel Basics, a shop situated in Terminal E at Boston Logan International Airport.The shop offers a variety of travel basics, such as shampoo, toothpaste, and office and art supplies, at incredibly reasonable prices.

Harriet also suggests visiting the restaurant, Dine Boston, located across the corridor from Travel Basics. The restaurant has good service, and frequently updated menu, while your restaurant receipt ensures you will have an express service at the security checkpoint.

This post was a really good opportunity for Harriet to promote the Boston Logan International Airport Guide she has written for, and she took advantage of it. Blogs can be a great advertising medium. Not only you can publish whatever you want without worrying about someone else editing it, your advertising will probably also be received as more credible, since behind it there is a person who by name recommends this product or service. There are more chances that blog readers will receive the advertising as a form of advice, instead of a way to sell them something; even if the product you are promoting is made by you.

Of course, an important feature is the way and the tone the writer will use. Here Harriet talks about her airport guide in a post which is highly relevant. Also the tone she is using is sincere and unpretentious. She also points out that her guides are updated monthly and include tips from travelers, prompting readers to share their own airport finds.

The effort to engage readers and motivate them to participate goes on by reminding that "Stuck at the Airport wants your souvenirs!" As Harriet has done in the past, she asks from her followers to take a photo of an inexpensive, local, and a bit offbeat souvenir and send it along. If the souvenir ends up being featured on Souvenir Sunday you receive a special souvenir. Harriet doesn't repeat her "engagements game" every Sunday, but she reminds it to her followers quite often. Blogging is all about participation and discussion and Harriet's "engagements game" can be a great way to initiate some interaction.

In my opinion Stuck at the Airport is a great travel blog. It is fun and has a lot of interesting information. It is not a "serious" blog, meaning it doesn't contain controversial points of view or deeper meanings. This is probably the reason why it doesn't get a lot of comments. Stuck at the Airport can be a fun habit for any traveler that wants to know everything that is going on around him, even at the airport. It is obvious that Harriet uses her blog to promote her other work, such as books and airport guides, but she doesn't do it in an annoying way. I would definitely suggest this blog to those who enjoy traveling, or to those who wish they could be traveling more.

After blogging for seven consequent days I got to really appreciate blogs as a medium. Blogs are, I realized, a
great way to put out your point of view, but also discover other alternative points of view. It is a medium that enables you to start a discussion on whatever subject preoccupies you. Also blogs, as most Internet experiences, give you the opportunity to start by reading about a certain subject and end up, through links, watching a video about something totally different. Blogging can, I believe, be a very enriching everyday habit.

Our landing process has already started. I really enjoyed being your air-hostess for the last seven days. I hope you enjoyed it too. I will be more than happy to see you again in one of our next flights!

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